Wednesday, December 16, 2009

i didn't use shampoo all last quarter. i used the baking soda/vinegar technique i learned from Ksenia and sometimes i used Dr. Bronner's magic soap. Because it isn't soap thats the enemy, its the pertroleum derived chemicals and the idea that a bottle will make me beautiful thats the problem, and Bronner's soap is all natural, organic and produced in the USA and workers share in the profits (

i found that my hair stayed grease free for a long time between washings, it was soft and shiny. i was pretty happy. except for the dandruff. you can skip the next gross paragraph if you like

it was terrible, terrible dandruff. by the end of ten weeks the dandruff had gotten really really bad, i was so embarrassed about it i kept my hat on whenever possible. i should have taken a photo to prove it. i've always had some dandruff, since i was a kid. but this was chunky and thick and itchy, and scrubbing my head to get the flakes out made it worse.

i couldn't take it anymore. i bought some head and shoulders to celebrate the end of the quarter. one wash and all the nasty flakes were gone.

but i'm not giving up. i'm going to do research on dandruff cures. i hope i find something that works, or head and shoulders will own my soul until i'm a bald old lady.

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